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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Paper Trees, Easy and Cheap To Create!

Hey guys! Here is my version of the Christmas trees you may have seen around pinterest! They are all paper and tape (or glue if you prefer). They are a great temporary decorations for parties or weddings and very cheap to make. What you need: poster board (can be color poster board) the thicker the board the sturdier your trees will be. tape (I used masking tape because the backs would not be seen). scrap-
booking papers (all three papers I used were different but had similar color schemes). *Use poster board as your base. I used a black, white and gray color scheme so I chose black poster board to form all three trees. The poster board shows through on two of my trees. Keep this in mind if you want your board to be part of your creation. *Curl the first board into a cone shape and tape up the back. Use scissors to trim the bottom so your tree will sit flat. If there is any unclean edges just use tulle or other decorative element to wrap around the trees bottoms when you put them out. Use an entire board to make your biggest tree. You want one to be medium in height yet thin and one that is short and wide. Cut your other boards and roll until you have all three shapes. *Find scrap booking paper. You can find this on clearance at a variety of places. One piece I wrapped around the largest cone and let the fact that it did not cover the cone to be part of the creation. One piece I cut into circles and glued/taped onto the cone. The third cone was completely covered with scrap paper. All three are different but the colors are all similar. This gives your trees variety, which is really important in art and craft-making. *Be creative in how you tape the papers onto your trees. You will see that I polka dotted one tree, wrapped an entire sheet on one and the biggest sheet was wrapped diagonally so that the black shows from under it. *You can use bows or ornaments to dangle from the tops. I used both! Now that Christmas 2012 is over what other uses can I find for my trees?

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