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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cheap Bathroom Make-Over

My first inspiring post, bathroom make-over, the cheap way.  So when we moved in my tiny bathroom was ugh with outdated border. So I devised a plan to quickly (and cheaply) redecorate it.  All I bought was a gallon of paint, a few zebra print accessories and a lovely clearance shower curtain from Bed Bath Beyond.
I love playing with black and white because you can add any bright color to it and have a very stylish look.  You do not have to use an animal print.  There is also a Victorian flower print that is black on white and very Avante-garde.  You can find many variations of this print in towels, rugs, wall paper, stationary and even in accessories.
So here is what I did:
Number 1 I painted all the walls and the sink counter a bright sea foam type of blue.  
Number 2 For some contrast I painted the existing mirror and stand over the toilette black (I used black spray paint).  I added some cheap black or white knobs to the counter and toilette stand.  
Number 3 I bought a yard of zebra print fabric to hang over the window, added a zebra rug, a few plastic zebra accessories to the sink and a little bundle of zebra wash towels to the toilette stand.  
Number 4 I already had a black shelf so I fastened it to the wall underneath the curtain and had a little abstract black fountain that I sat upon the shelf. 
Number 5 I hung my $7.99 shower curtain (white with silver sequins) and YAY I have a very modern and new bathroom!!!!

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