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Monday, March 25, 2013

Fun Science Project For Kiddos-Visual & Photogenic For Moms

Click on the image for instructions, and have a great day!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Why My Dogs Are Magical

This is a little different then usual as it is an actual verbal post. Tonight while piddling around the house (cleaning actually) I started thinking about my dogs. We have six of them. Now before you start thinking I am a crazy dog hoarder let me explain. I was never a dog person. As a child I had all kinds of critters but my least favorite was the dog. They jumped too much, barked too much and were slobbery. I was not interested, however my dad was. He loved dogs and always had one. In 2006 my dad died of a massive heart attack. I tried to tell him goodbye as he lay in his hospital bed, but since he was in a vegetative state I may never know if he actually heard me. This broke my heart because he was my best friend (along with my husband of course). My husband saw how lonely and lost I felt so he brought home a dog. I was not pleased, at all. This little thing pooped, chewed, peed, slobbered, licked....it was disgusting. Then one day it perished. My heart broke and I mourned that little dog almost as much as I had my dads passing. Well that may be an exaggeration, but it sure did hurt. I decided that I was going to find another dog, but I wanted to wait until I knew it was the one. I kept a dog on my mind for weeks. People would offer to give me a dog and I would see dogs at shelters and stores, but it just wasn't right. I figured I was still grieving. One day I was in a beauty shop getting this wild color painted onto my head when this old lady comes in with a cane in one hand and a cage in the other. She mumbled something, sat down the cage and opened its door. Five or six of the ugliest little white critters came running out of the cage. All of the ladies in the shop grabbed the cutest ones and told her that yes they would buy one for twenty dollars. The tiniest (and hairiest) was left. She was so little and so white. I immediately fell in love. "I will take her", I said. I instantly fell in love and I knew that dog was meant for me. We still have Cleo (and yes she still has wild, white hair) but now we have Daisy, Rocky, Betsy, Masey and Mario......all of them came to us under weird circumstances. Sometimes I think that perhaps my dad sends them to me. Either way my dogs are magical, they changed me, and they keep the hearts of my entire family warm each night.